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Somethings About God


Updated: Jun 29, 2022

Deuteronomy 32 describes God’s faithfulness towards us in the midst of our unfaithfulness. In declaring God’s faithfulness, Moses shares somethings – eternal truths – about our Lord God in verses 4 and 6. Below is a table with the words from these verses, their Hebrew root words and meanings, along with the concluding eternal truths about our Lord God.

Verse 4 reads.

He is the Rock; His deeds are perfect.

Everything He does is just and fair.

He is a faithful God who does no wrong;

How just and upright He is! (NLT)

I am examining the phrase/words (in bold) from the verse, the root word and its meaning as well as the conclusion we derive from examining Scriptures.

He is the Rock.

The Hebrew word used here is tsuwr. It means rock, cliff, or boulder with the root meaning of binding, making secure.

We can conclude that God is our security, our protection, our Rock.

His deeds are perfect.

The Hebrew word used here for deeds is po'al. It comes from the root word pa’al. It means work, deed, with the root meaning ‘to do’ or ‘to make’ The Hebrew word used for 'perfect' is tamiyn. It comes from the root word tamam. The word tamiyn means complete, whole, unimpaired, innocent, or having integrity with the root meaning of completed, unimpaired, ethically upright.

We can conclude that everything God does, everything God makes is unimpaired, whole, and ethically upright.

Everything He does is just and fair.

The Hebrew word used for the phrase 'everything He does' is derek and it comes from the root word darak. It means way, road, distance, or moral character with the root meaning of tread or march. The Hebrew word used for the phrase 'just and fair' is mishpat and it comes from the root word shaphat. Mishpat means judgement, justice, act of deciding a case with the root meaning to judge, govern, vindicate, punish, or to act as law-giver.

We can conclude that every path that God takes is just. Everything God does is just. Every judgment God delivers is just.

A faithful God who does no wrong

The Hebrew word for faithful is ‘emuwnah and it comes from the root word ‘emuwn. The word `emuwnah means firmness, steadfastness, or faithful which comes from the root meaning of trusty. The Hebrew word for 'wrong' is `evel and this comes from the root word ‘aval. `Evel means injustice, unrighteousness, or wrong with the root meaning to act wrongfully, or to deviate from.

God is unchanging in His faithfulness towards us. God will never deviate from being faithful.

How just and upright He is!

The Hebrew word used for 'just' is yashar. This word, yashar means straight, upright, correct, straightforward, or righteous. The Hebrew word for upright is tsaddyiq and it comes from the root word tsadaq. The word tsaddyiq means just, lawful, righteous in character and conduct with the root meaning to do, to bring justice, to declare righteous, and to vindicate.

We can conclude that God is righteous, morally upright and everything God does is just.

Let is list what we have learned –

God is our security, our protection, our Rock.

Everything God does, everything God makes is unimpaired, whole, and ethically upright.

Every path that God takes is just. Everything God does is just. Every judgement God delivers is just.

God is unchanging in His faithfulness towards us. God will never deviate from being faithful.

God is righteous. God is morally upright. Everything God does is just.

As you let these words about God soak in, let us read verse 6 –

Isn’t He your Father, who created you?

Has He not made you and established you?

Our security, our rock, our morally, ethically upright and just God is our Father. Our Father has carefully and lovingly created us. In our life, we are where we are today because He has us set up and established right where we are. So if you are going through a difficult time right now, remember this: Your Father God is your security, your rock. He has placed you exactly where He wants you to be. Your just, morally and ethically upright Father will take care of you.


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